Survey of Graduating International Students, 2017-2018

Falkingham, Jane and Wahba, Jackline and Giulietti, Corrado and Chuhong, Wang (2021). Survey of Graduating International Students, 2017-2018. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854890

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) is investigating how and why our population is changing and what this means for people, communities and governments. The Centre is a joint partnership between the Universities of Southampton, St. Andrews, and Stirling. Our research agenda is planned in collaboration with the Office for National Statistics and the National Records of Scotland. CPC is a founding partner of Population Europe, the network of Europe's leading research centres in the field of policy-relevant population studies.

The pattern of our lives is continuously changing; many of us now remain in education for longer than in the past, we delay becoming parents and we are living longer than ever before. The households we live in are more complex with more step- and half-kin but also more of us live alone at some point in our lives. Many of us move around locally, nationally and internationally for work and family. Our behaviours interact to create the society in which we live. CPC research aims to understand the causes and consequences of changes in births, deaths, relationships and migration to enable policy makers and planners to know how, when and where to respond. By finding out how our population is changing we can improve the world in which we live.

CPC research is organised around five thematic areas:
1. Fertility and family change
2. Increasing longevity and the changing life course
3. New mobilities and migration
4. Understanding intergenerational relations and exchange
5. Integrated demographic estimation and forecasting

These thematic areas explicitly recognise the dynamic interaction of the individual components of population change both with each other and with economic and social processes.

Data description (abstract)

The CPC-ONS-UUK Survey of Graduating International Students (SoGIS) is a collaborative project between the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) at the University of Southampton, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Universities UK (UUK).
SoGIS wave 1 collected detailed information from international students in UK Higher Education in their final year of study. SoGIS wave 2 is a follow-up survey administered to a subsample of students who participated in wave 1. The survey sampled both undergraduate and postgraduate, EU and non-EU finalist students.
SoGIS Wave 1 contains 3560 responses from a sample of 101,049 (response rate 3.5%). SoGIS Wave 2 contains 563 responses from a sample of 1,517 (37% response rate).
SoGIS provides valuable information about the post-study intentions, certainty of these intentions, travel patterns, use of public services, and working patterns whilst studying of international students approaching course completion. The survey increases our understanding of students migratory and employment
intentions after studying.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Falkingham Jane University of Southampton
Wahba Jackline University of Southampton
Giulietti Corrado University of Southampton
Chuhong Wang
Sponsors: ESRC
Grant reference: ES/K007394/1
Topic classification: Transport and travel
Demography (population, vital statistics and censuses)
Labour and employment
Project title: Centre for Population Change
Grant holders: Jane Falkingham, David NF Bell, Ann Berrington, Jakub K Bijak, Alison Bowes, Paul D Bridgen, Hector F Calvo-Pardo, Maria Evandrou, Zhiqiang Feng, Alan Findlay, Vernon Gayle, Elspeth Graham, Lynn HA Jamieson, John A Knowles, John MacInnes, David McCollum, Derek P McGhee, Traute Meyer, Maire Ni Bhrolchain, Brienna Perelli-Harris, James E Raymer, Christian Schluter, Peter WF Smith, Athina Vlachantoni, Jackline Wahba, Robert E Wright, Asghar Zaidi, Corrado Giulietti
Project dates:
1 January 20141 April 2019
Date published: 01 Jun 2021 10:21
Last modified: 01 Jun 2021 10:21

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